Map of Kostroma

Author: Dimitry Paranyushkin (on 02 Sep 2009)

See the legend under the Kostroma map

map legend:

1 - Korvet hotel
2 - Mush guesthouse
3 - Stary Dvor hotel
4 - Volga hotel

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1 - Trading arcades
2 - Arcades & market
3 - Susanin's monument
4 - Fire tower
5 - Gaupvakhta
6 - Epiphany monastery
7 - St Ipathy monastery
8 - Museum of Wooden Arch.

1 - 24h Food Shop
2 - Pizzeria-cafe
3 - Photoshop
4 - Post & Phone
5 - Post & Phone
7 - Slavyanska rest.



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